In looking at all of the pictures though, there was one thing that stood out to me larger and louder than any other photo of him interacting with his feathered fowl friends. It was hidden in the photos of him interacting with the docent: Fully engaged in passionate conversation about something that they both love. Caleb not only contributed appropriately and meaningfully to the conversation, but listened actively as the man shared his own knowledge and expertise with Caleb.
That may not seem like a big deal for most, but for me, this is a beautiful representation of something that we have desired to see for so long. When Caleb first started receiving therapeutic services about 6 years ago, one of the goals written for him was that he would be able to SUSTAIN meaningful "volleyed" conversation with another individual (adult or peer). This meant participating in both ends of conversations; giving AND receiving and providing appropriate eye contact throughout. No matter what goals he has met or made progress with over the years, this is one of several that has seemed to loom in the shadows of every report. He just couldn't connect...he didn't know how. And if he wanted to share something, he certainly wasn't able or interested in sticking around long enough to keep a conversation going. He just wanted to share a fun fact and the matter usually stopped there. That's really all the more his focus and attention would allow. More recently, though, he is beginning to truly and genuinely be just as engaged in hearing what others have to contribute to a topic, and as a result is adding to his own learning, knowledge and understanding by leaps and bounds (but shhhhhh, don't tell HIM that!)
So today, Caleb may be celebrating an opportunity to meet new avian friends and hold some butterflies, but as mom I see something so very different but just as beautiful... I see a continued emerging of a young man with a destiny and purpose far greater than one I can begin to imagine or hope for. I don't know what all of this will look like another 6 years down the road, but I am fairly certain it's going to be pretty amazing. Because this boy is pretty amazing.