Friday, July 8, 2016

Beauty in the journey ...

The term "stop and smell the roses" isn't about making friends with the local florist or all of the sudden developing a green thumb.  It's about living your life with a deeper appreciation for the world around us.  It's about noticing the little things and slowing down to enjoy each fleeting moment.
This guy right here has taught me to do just that.  He does NOT have an agenda.  He's not limited by MY to-do list nor does he care to check off any demands on his own.  He lives fully in each moment, soaking in all that it has to offer.

He has always been fascinated by nature.  He's grown up visiting the Aviary and the Zoo and has developed a unique appreciation for ALL animals.  He knows birds and butterflies by name and will find the beauty in each creature no matter how unsightly mom might think they are.  There was one particular instance where he said, "Mom!  Come look at THIS!"  The sight of the creature made me jump back.  It was ugly and frightening and I really wasn't sure what it was.  To my eye, it was...well....UGLY.  His next words stopped me in my tracks.  He said, "Mommy, isn't it just beautiful?  Look at how special it is!  God actually MADE this!" about eating humble pie.  Yes, it IS quite special, dear boy.  Every creature in all of its glory handcrafted by the one who formed the universe.  He has made EVERY creature ON purpose, WITH purpose and FOR a purpose.  There are no accidents in the hands of the creator.

Thank you, Caleb....for causing me to see the beauty in creation.....Thank you for helping me to stop and smell the roses: To see the beauty in ALL of life.  God doesn't make mistakes.  There is a glorious unfolding in all of our journeys.  We just need to open our eyes and ask Him to show us.

Job 12:7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; 

8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. 

9Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? 
10 In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.