Saturday, August 16, 2014

Where are the answers?


Having children brings so many joys but it also brings challenges, questions, triumphs, feelings of failure and moments of laughter...having a child with special needs brings challenges of its own. 
Do we medicate? 
Go all natural? 
           Where do we find the answers?           
Who do we call? 
What do we do when the "emotional event" or meltdown is so intense it leaves us both crying? 

No one answer is a fix-all. Every child is unique and different and so is autism. What may overstimulate one child and leave them in the corner in the fetal position, may leave another in aggressive outbursts of anger. The key for me has been to stay in prayer and ask God for the right direction.

 For our son, Caleb, we chose to keep the route as natural as possible, but have also chosen to add non-stimulant medication support. We are doing EVERYTHING that we can from our end to give him the best chance of success. So grateful for the resources and information we have discovered and for the professionals that have come alongside us to work with him and teach us how to effectively respond to his needs. Aside from the medication, we use amino acids and adrenal supplements, try to keep his diet as natural as possible, and have begun an essential oil regimen. 

Medication-wise, we have chosen to medicate using Strattera and Guanfacine.  Strattera is a non-stimulant medication.  If we were going to go this route, the desire was to try using a medication that would have potentially milder side-effects than some of the other options.  Guanfacine, which is tranditionally used as a blood-pressure medication, has been shown to provide a helpful complimentary benefit to the Strattera.

As far as nutrition, We try to keep Caleb's diet high in protein, with no red dyes or high fructose corn syrup.  Studies have shown that a breakfast high in protein can help to boost focus and sustain it much longer than the short boost of energy provided from typical breakfast carbohydrates.  In addition, red dyes and artificial additives and preservatives can have an adverse affect on children with attention and focus issues.  After removing harmful dyes and increasing protein in his diet, we began to notice a decrease in aggression and angry outbursts. 

The amino acid supplements provide the nutritional support necessary to target and help to balance the neurotransmitters in the brain.

* L-phenylalanine helps to build the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinepherine which regulate mood and behavior 
* 5-HTP builds serotonin which can help to regulate sleep cycles
* L-Glutamine can help to increase stamina, energy and focus
* D-phenylalanine inhibits the breakdown of endorphins in the brain.

We have also begun using essential oils as a part of our daily regimen.  I started using them with kind of a skeptical attitude...kind of like "well if it doesn't work, at least we tried."
 My first clue that the oils were working was that he was asking for them because he felt better when using them. He is learning the names and what each one does and applies them himself with my guidance. We diffuse in his room at night and he falls asleep quickly and sleeps through the night. 

Our Essential Oil collection has grown significantly, but we have a certain few that are must-haves...


Essential oils such as vetiver, cedarwood and frankincense are high in sesquiterpenes, and have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, increasing oxygen to the brain.  Lavender provides a great calming benefit, and promotes sleep and relaxation.


Have we found "THE" answer???  Not sure yet but each one certainly provides "AN" answer and takes us one more step down the road to success and freedom for our kid to just be a kid.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Living Out Loud for a Moment...


     While messaging with a friend last month, I came to the realization that God is not bringing us through the journeys of our lives for us to remain silent.  Many times, our life lessons and the truths we discover hold the very answers that someone has been desperately searching for as well.  We need each other!  Even the dark places in our lives can help to shine some light on someone else's path if we'll allow it.

     Our son, Caleb, was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, which is a higher functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder....he has also been diagnosed with a cognitive developmental disorder, learning disabilities, mixed receptive and expressive vocabulary disorder and attention deficit disorder. These diagnoses came on the heels of several years of unsuccessfully trying to homeschool and both of us living in a cycle of frustration and failure. This left my husband feeling helpless as well because he would come home to deal with meltdowns from both of us! Although the smorgasbord of diagnoses seemed daunting and overwhelming, we had a feeling of hope for the first time. Hope because we knew that if there was a name for it, someone, somewhere has to have the answers.  What I didn't realize is that the answers would not come easy.

One answer is not going to unlock the door to the potential that these kids hold. What might work for one, might not work for another. However, I do know that if God is bringing us through this to "live out loud" and share His goodness and grace with others, that's just what we will do. I'm not intimidated by the labels or by what people might think and am getting better at tuning out the stares and whispers. This isn't Caleb's lonely journey nor is it mine. We are walking this together and we are walking it with everyone who has come alongside to offer therapy, encouragement, hope, answers, prayer and advice.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." (Lao Tzu). We are only on mile marker 162, with many more to go. If you ever want to know what treatments we are using with Caleb, please ask. I'm an open book and am happy to share what has worked and what hasn't. Many things are working but there's much that hasn't. I'm continuing to learn and discover new things every day and look forward to sharing those things as well. Not for my glory, not to show off all the wonderful things that Caleb does or learns but to say "LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE.". it is only by His grace and for His glory that we have come as far as we have and by the same that we will continue to see progress. Love you all.

Every. Child. Is. Unique. 
Beautifully handcrafted and created by God 
ON purpose, WITH purpose and FOR a purpose.